Whose team are we on, anyway?

Some Web developers work in just one market—for instance they might do golf course websites. The advantage is that they seem to have specific experience with that particular market, and may have some spiffy tools ready to go. Very efficient for the web developer. Just keep doing almost the same thing over and over.

However, it may not be the best thing for the golf course (and website) owner. After all, if you own a golf course, do you really want the Web developer who works on your site to be meeting with your direct competition? Probably not. Your competition might want to know things like how many customers you have, or what search engine terms you use to get those customers. And an idea that you had on how to market your business certainly does not need to end up benefiting your competition.

Plus, we feel it is a conflict of interest to be on the marketing team of one company, and then take money to work for the competition. Really. So if we are providing web services for a local golf course, we will decline to work for a similar business in the next town over.

Whose team are we on? Call us, and see what we can do for your team.